Venda Template Development

Venda Template Development

Fashion union are an online “Fashion Wardrobe” and utilise the Venda platform.  We were engageed to onboard several cutting edge technologies.  Projects include:

  • CDN - Content delivery network utilized in order to deliver geographically near content to the wider global audience of the Fashion Union site.
  • QuBit - streamlined javascript container management - one set of code - asynchronously loaded.
  • Locayta - refactor into a responsive design
  • Peerius - personalisation engine - used to increase conversion
  • Lookbook functionality - used to showcase new products and be updated by marketeers.
  • Responsive reskin – a large project, planned to increase conversion and enhance usability across tablet and mobile devices.
Concept date: 
Friday, February 21, 2014 - 11:15
